This year the Good Robot Challenge at Westtown’s competition will support Yspaniola, an education organization in the Dominican Republic. Yspaniola provides high quality education programs in a community of Dominicans and Haitians, most of whom have limited access to basic resources and educational opportunity. Yspaniola runs a Learning Center for over 120 elementary school children, teaching literacy and critical thinking skills. They run summer camps that give children out-of-school enrichment opportunities while employing local high school students as teacher trainees, providing professional development and income.

Giving Back

Because mentors know the value of teaching students more than technical skills, we also teach life skills.  One important skill we teach students is the need to give back.  Most robotics teams promote a cause at their events.  Westtown’s Good Robot Challenge was Yspaniola.  The LuNaTeCs support a variety of groups each year at their off-season competition, Duel on the Delaware.  We think Good Robot Challenge is a great concept we can use to teach our students to care about others, especially those less fortunate than themselves.

If you want to help support our students, please consider a donation or becoming a volunteer.  Simply use the Contact Us form and we’d be glad to talk to you about ways you can help.


Good Robot Challenge